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Recently Dr. Sullivan’s patient Michelle was featured in a “Health Check†Channel 10 News report regarding the rise of individuals having plastic surgery for professional reasons.  Over the past few years it has become increasingly common for working professionals wishing to get ahead in an increasingly competitive labor market to turn to plastic surgery for assistance.  In a culture that values youth and vibrancy older professionals often feel they need to compete with younger colleagues for advancement.  This can be especially true for those who work with the public on a daily basis.

This was the case with one of Dr. Sullivanâ€s recent patients who was kind enough to speak with Barbara Morse Silva of Channel 10 about her experience.  This woman is a professional in the Boston medical field and works for a consortium of hospitals.  In this highly visible position she finds herself routinely competing for advancement with and amongst her younger colleagues.  She was often told by co-workers that she “looked tiredâ€, implying that she was worn down or not up to the challenges of her job.

Therefore, she came to Dr. Sullivan looking to better align her inner exuberance for life and her work with her outward appearance.   After careful evaluation, this patient decided to move forward with eyelid surgery, face and neck sculpting and rejuvenation and fat injections to improve the face and jawline contour.  Her jowls were also removed as well as a fatty collection she had in her neck, which was extremely bothersome for her.  During her interview with Barbara Morse Silva she further discussed how she considered this surgery to be “an investment in my future†as it would benefit her career.

This patient also discussed her healing process with Barbara Morse Silva noting that she was back to work within two weeks of the surgery.  She further discussed how she had “no pain†and didnâ€t even have to take painkillers following the surgery.  As Dr. Sullivan discussed, “weâ€ve done studies on where the nerves are so we can block out the nerves†and keep them from conducting pain.

It has been fourteen months since this patientâ€s facial rejuvenation surgery and since then she says that she has had a marked improvement in her confidence.  She feels that the surgery was extremely successful and is thrilled with the natural results.  She stated that she feels like a “younger version†of herself.  Her colleagues are no longer commenting on her tired appearance and she feels that now her outside appearance finally matches her inner enthusiasm and vibrancy.

As this patient succinctly put it, “Itâ€s showing who you are on the inside on the outside.  Who I am on the inside is very vivacious and happyâ€.

For more information about Dr. Sullivan and facial rejuvenation surgery please contact our patient coordinator Andrea at 401-831-8300.

Watch the full interview here:

View Michelle’s Before and After photos:
Pt 12453-AP Before After Pt 12453-Oblique Before After

Pt 12453-Lat Before After


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