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Are you interested in regenerative medicine?  The most recent advances?  I had the pleasure of taking G. Wayne Miller – a very talented writer for The Providence Journal – behind-the-scenes of a facial rejuvenation  using advanced stem cell techniques with one of our patients who made the trip from the west coast to our office in Providence for her procedure.  The article in The Providence Journal (Sunday, December 11, 2016) is titled, Defying Gravity:  R.I. doctor at vanguard of cosmetic surgery.

Unlike a traditional face lift where stretching of the skin is involved which can make the face look very unnatural, our facial rejuvenation surgery not only involves lifting and contouring but also includes injections using oneâ€s own fat cells with their associated stem cells  – regenerative medicine.  In this particular case, we took fat from our patient Susanâ€s thighs and injected it into her face.  As Wayne wrote:  “Body, refresh thyself.â€

In the article Wayne Miller takes the reader to the operating room and details the steps behind procedure with the team.  He then discusses how our artistic approach is specially designed for each patient and is ‘the combined study of art and scienceâ€.  He included quotes from stem cell experts in the field of plastic surgery as well as a terrific PGA golfer and Fox Sports Analyst Brad Faxon, who recently had a procedure done with us. Later, Wayne returned to our office to see Susan and she shared her post operative experience several weeks postoperatively quoting, “Iâ€m very happy. I feel great.â€

Wayne Miller did a superb job in educating people about how fat injections with their associated stem cells have improved the lives of so many adults and children.


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