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Facial Rejuvenation, Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty, Fat transfer:
This woman was concerned about her upper lids and bags under her lower lids.  She had a previous blepharoplasty; it was performed 10 years prior and out of state. She also mentioned problems with her drooping face and jowls.  She openly spoke about how reluctant she was to move forward with plastic surgery because she feared looking tight and unnatural.

Her treatment included our customized facial rejuvenation including our upper, multilevel targeted SMAS, mid and lower facial rejuvenation, and upper and lower eyelid rejuvenation.  Fat harvested from her inner thigh region was injected into multiple areas of the face including the upper cheeks, nasolabial folds, jawline and lips.  She considered this procedure to be an investment in her future it really paid off with her new confidence and enhanced career.  Here she is very happy with her naturally refreshed appearance,  1 year after her procedure.


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