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This time of year is one of reflection, spending time with family and friends, traveling to near and far destinations, and making resolutions for the New Year to come.

As the holiday season is finally here, we, at our office, are grateful to all of our wonderful patients. Each has played a part in our growth and success of our practice. We are so grateful for all of you who came to us, trusted us with your plastic surgery needs, and more importantly, happy with their final natural results. We are truly humbled that we played a part in the positive transformation and improvement of so many lives.

2015 has presented all of us with challenges and opportunities. We have listened as you have shared your concerns with us. We recognize how lucky we are to find ourselves in the company of those who are in this specialized medical industry. We are also indebted to all those who have recommended our practice to others.

We expect that 2016 will be another year of what youâ€ve come to expect from us – transforming lives.

Sharing our blogs with all of you and reaching out to our online community via Social Media has made us incredibly proud. We have shared informational posts on the industry; new procedures, the latest culture and trends, patient reviews, and even shared a few philanthropic organizations that we support. In fact, I am currently in South Africa as we have reached out to the Red Cross Children’s Hospital to help them with their mission to serve African Children; over 90% of whom cannot pay for their medical care at this hospital. More about that will be covered in future blogs.

As a closing thought, these holidays are times to treasure with discovery of the best things that life has to offer. It is an opportunity to rediscover yourself and what you are living for.

Warmest Wishes To All!

Patrick K. Sullivan, MD, FACS + our team



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