Many men experience excessive tissue or fat in the breasts that can cause them to suffer from extreme self-consciousness, even depression. However, Dr. Patrick K. Sullivan can effectively treat this condition, known as gynecomastia, with male breast reduction procedures here in the Rhode Island area. With treatments such as liposuction and other body contouring options, Dr. Sullivan can remove excess fat and tissue in the pectoral region and help you attain your goals.
Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia often begins in adolescence and can be caused by a number of factors, including genetic disposition and recent weight loss. For many patients, it can sometimes severely restrict their activities and make them feel exceedingly uncomfortable.
Male breast reduction (Gynecomastia surgery) is typically a very brief procedure usually performed on an outpatient basis under IV sedation. With options like ultrasonic liposuction and other effective treatments, Dr. Sullivan can take away the excess fat and/or glandular tissue that is giving the breasts a larger appearance. Incisions for gynecomastia treatment are typically very small, and can be made very discreetly around the nipple.
You will go home several hours after surgery to be cared for by a friend or relative. A compression vest or chest wrapping is usually worn for several weeks after surgery to help reduce swelling. Sutures are usually removed 5-7 days after surgery. Patients are usually able to return to normal daily routines after about a week, giving enough time for the treated areas to heal.
If you are interested in treatment options for gynecomastia, we invite you to contact our practice today to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Sullivan.
The experience I had with Dr. Sullivan and his staff was phenomenal. I had gone to two other plastic surgeons in Boston prior to Meeting with Dr. Sullivan. From the initial consultation I knew that this was the Surgeon I wanted for the procedure. Gynecomastia is something I’ve had to deal with since I was a teenager and has had a significantly negative psychological impact on my life growing up and as an adult. Any man that has this disorder and is affected psychologically by it, should consider this surgery. The discomfort was significantly less than I personally expected after the surgery. I work in the law enforcement field and was able to return a week after the surgery. The results were amazing without any scarring or draining involved. The other surgeons wanted to remove skin and required draining shortly after the surgery. I cannot locate the incision and after only two weeks my chest looks like that of a normal male chest. I am extremely happy already with the results with only two weeks since the surgery and I have been told there is some swelling that will continue to go down. This procedure was a life changing moment that was worth doing, especially with someone like Dr. Sullivan that understands the patient and the procedure.
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