In a recent blog post we were excited to share the news with you that Dr. Sullivan had been selected to receive the 2014 Best Cosmetic Paper award for manuscripts published in calendar year 2013 from the internationally renowned peer-reviewed Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal. In his award winning article entitled, “Extended Lower Lid Blepharoplasty for Eyelid and Mid-face Rejuvenation†Dr. Sullivan, and his co-author Brian Drolet, both discuss how patients are frequently troubled by the illusion of fatigue and sadness that can be caused by the appearance of their lower eyelids and the circles under the lids. Dr. Sullivan’s unique extended blepharoplasty technique, which he has performed on over 335 consecutive patients, has been able to significantly improve both the appearance of the lower eyelids as well as the mid-face contour. Therefore, we were extremely pleased to learn that his article had achieved such a prestigious award!
Following the receipt of the award, at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons annual meeting in Chicago, IL, we learned more about the selection process and were even more pleased to learn that Dr. Sullivan’s article was selected for this award due to a highly democratic system that emphasized the overall importance of the content as well as the frequency with which the article was read and shared. The editorial and publishing staff members of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal were responsible for reviewing data for all manuscripts published in 2013. They then collected data on the number of times the full text of the article was viewed, the number of times it was viewed as a PDF, as well as the number of times the article was added to a personal connection through the PRS Journal website. This information was further condensed to represent the average number of times per month the aforementioned activities occurred. Finally, each manuscript in the running for an award was given a score based on all of these data points so that one article would not be favored over another based on its month of publication. This selection process was uninfluenced by the Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor, or current Editorial Board members.  It is therefore with great appreciation that Dr. Sullivan accepts this award, knowing that this article has helped to contribute to the education of plastic surgeons all over the world.
To read our previous blogs detailing the contents of the article and the details of the award please see:
1. Highlights from Dr. Sullivan’s Recent Publication in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal; and
2. Rhode Island Plastic Surgeon Invited to Speak and Receive Award at 2014 ASPS Meeting.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Sullivan please do not hesitate to contact us or call us at 401-831-8300.